FREEHOLD, MILLBURN, Newark, morristownand cherry hill




The Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC enjoys an of-counsel relationship with one of New Jersey's well-known matrimonial lawyers who implements collaborative law to the divorce process. Through recognizing that divorces have traditionally devolved into an expensive dispute that leaves both parties unhappy and financially strained, the collaborative law process seeks a cost-effective and expeditious separation. In the beginning, parties are brought to the bargaining table before their hard-earned money transfers from their estate to the lawyers who traditionally thrive on prolonged litigation that makes only the lawyers rich at the end of the day.

​The Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC will litigate against those who choose that path, but we see the benefit- financially and mentally- to clients who can obtain a quick divorce and a separation agreement agreed upon by the parties before assets are wasted in litigation. As for our willingness to litigate, clients have the benefit of a matrimonial lawyer with a collaborative law approach and lawyer with decades of experience in litigation- a lawyer certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney. Only approximately 3% of all lawyers in New Jersey are honored with being certified.

To find out if a lawyer at the Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC is willing to handle your case, call 973-921-0003 or send an email to To learn more about the managing partner, click here.

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